  • 42
  • 12 Months
  • January 16, 2025


UGC-NET is a prestigious national examination that assesses eligibility for aspiring assistant professors in India. With over 83 subjects offered, including Bengali, many candidates consistently excel in this paper. The UGC NET is key to advancing the academic careers of numerous individuals.

  • 10+ Year PYQ Practice,
  • 150+ Live Mocktest,
  • Special Concept Classes,
  • Unlimited Practice Sets,
  • Weekly Selected CA PDF,
  • Subject Wise Study Notes

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Expert Faculties

Unlimited Mocktest

Live Classes

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Exams Covered

Course Faculties

Course Highlight

Live class and Unlimited recorded video lessons: Get access to live classes and rewatch recorded videos so you don't miss out on anything.
E-Study material and question bank: Practice with our detailed E-study materials and unlimited question bank for better preparation
Video Library: Unlimited Video library to continue studying from the comfort of your home.
Mock Test and PYQ Analysis: Weekly Mock test and PYQ analysis will grow confidence and make you exam-ready.
Daily Assignments and Test Series: Daily assignments and test series will keep the preparation on track.
Daily CA class: Daily CA classes will keep aspirants updated.
Current Affairs booklets: Current Affairs Booklets will provide knowledge
24*7 moderator support: 24*7 moderator support will assist and guide you throughout your preparation journey.


This course offers live classes and recorded videos to help you prepare for the UGC NET Philosophy exam. It includes a video library to help you prepare the vast syllabus of UGC NET in a very short period. It also offers e-books, previous year question sets, mock tests, guidance from experienced faculty, and 24/7 mentor support

  • Live class and unlimited recorded video lessons 
  • E-Study material and question bank
  • Unlimited Video Library with Mock Test and PYQ analysis,
  • Current Affairs booklets
  • 24*7 moderator support

Epistemology and MetaphysicsVedic and Upaniṣadic: The cosmic order, the divine and the human realms; the centrality of the institution of yajῆa, Jainism, Buddhism

Ancient, Medieval, and Modern: Epistemology and Metaphysics, Pre-Socratic Philosophers, Medieval Philosophy, The Sophists and Socrates: Plato and Aristotle, etc.

Concept of Purusārtha, Śreyas and Preyas, Varṇāshrama, Dharma, Sādhāraṇa Dharma, Karma-yoga, Apurva and Adṛṣta, Concept of Duty

Concepts of Good, right, justice.Subjectivism, Cultural Relativism, Super-naturalism, Egoism, Altruism, Universalism, Utilitarianism, Theories of Punishment, Ethical realism and Intuitionism, etc.

Swami Vivekananda: Practical Vedanta, Universal Religion, Religious Experience, Religious Rituals, Swami Dayanand, Saraswati: Reconciliation of the Six Systems of Indian Philosophy, Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi, Anihilation of caste, philosophy of Hindui

Analytic and Continental Philosophy, Frege: Sense and Reference, Logical Positivism: Verification theory of meaning, Elimination of, metaphysics, concept of Defense of commonsense, Proof of an External World, etc.

Indian Mahabharata, Action, Social Justice Social Institutions: Family, Marriage, property, philosophy and religion Colonialism, Kamandaki: Social order and State elements, etc.

Western, Plato: Ideal State and Justice, Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau: Social Contract Theory, Isaiah Berlin: Conceptions of Liberty, Bernard Williams: Idea of Equality, Communitarianism: Particularism, Theory of Charles Taylor, MacIntyre, Michael Sandel, Mult

Truth and Validity, Denotation and Connotation, Nature of Propositions, Categorical Syllogism, Square of Opposition , Truth-Functions and Propositional Logic, Quantification and Rules of Quantification Symbolic Logic etc.

Applied Philosophy, Ethical Implication of information technology, biotechnology, non-technology Environmental Ethics: Nature as means or end, Aldo-Leopold; land-ethics, Arne Naess: technology, dominance, power and social inequalities Democratization of T


BSSEI provides access to UGC NET premium courses taught by experienced teachers. This course is curated in such a way that it covers all the fundamental themes of UGC NET preparation, including each and every topic of Paper 1 & Paper 2.

With BSSEI you can get moderator support whenever in doubt. The moderators of BSSEI are experienced in their respective fields and are extremely skilled in assisting in subject-related matters

No. There is no option for cancelling your course subscription, hence no refund will be generated.

The study materials will be uploaded on the BSSEI Digital Learning app, you can check and start preparation from there.

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